Cherryhurst House Fellowship - Take One!!

Cherryhurst House Fellowship - Take One!!

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Our first fellowship duo, photographer Jennifer Greenburg "of Chicago" and midcentury historian-performer Charles Phoenix, visited for a week, spending their days with Project B's PhotoMania collection in the Anne Wilkes Tucker Phtography Study Center at MFA, Houston, and nights exploring Houston's own old time eateries - House of Pies, Ninfa's Original, Goode's Seafood, Nino's and The BBQ Pit.

Charles, Malcolm (MFA curator) and Jennifer

Lisa (MFA associate curator), Malcolm, Jennifer, Charles, Paige and Barbara (ProjectB collectors)   
TAKE NOTE **Diane Arbus, Two Girls in Matching Bathing Suits, Coney Island, NY, 1971** is watching over the team!

At week's end, Jennifer gave a presentation about relationship between her work (on right) and found photos in the Levine Ramey PhotoMania Collection.

Rascals Charles and Barbara

The microphone was reserved for gentlemen, 2020, by Jennifer Greenburg 
joined the Cherryhurst House art collection!